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Park City Vacation Rental Market Review: July 2024


July 2024 brought a twist to the Park City vacation rental market, as scorching temperatures in the Salt Lake City valley sent weekend travelers flocking to the mountains. Despite a minor dip in occupancy, savvy property managers capitalized on the heatwave, driving up both Average Daily Rate (ADR) and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR). This report delves into how these dynamics played out, providing key insights from Park City’s most...

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Park City Vacation Rental Market Review: June 2024


As the lush landscape began to flourish in June, the Park City vacation rental market followed suit, experiencing a dramatic surge in occupancy. Despite a cooler start to the month suppressing early bookings, the market saw an impressive 174% increase in occupancy compared to May 2024. This review delves into the key metrics and trends that shaped June 2024, offering valuable insights for property managers and owners alike. Date Range:...

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Park City Vacation Rental Market Review: May 2024


This review examines the Park City vacation rental performance for May 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Park City, Utah, renowned for its world-class ski resorts and vibrant cultural scene, is a popular destination for tourists seeking winter sports and summer outdoor activities. Analyzing key metrics such as paid occupancy, average daily rate (ADR), and revenue per available room (RevPAR). This review provides insights into vacation rental market...

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